Sol Marketing Concepts
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Military Child
Education Coalition

Working to help military
families succeed

Keva Juice
Working with an emerging smoothie brand to get closer to its
ideal customer

Cutting Through the Clutter of Retail
Information Technologies
Kinetix Living
Becoming the Go-To
Wellness Program
Winternals Software
Helping David Beat Goliath
American Physicians
Insurance Exchange

Listening to the Voice of the Customer to Enable
Marketplace Growth
Winterals SoftwareWinternals Software – Helping David Beat Goliath

When Winternals Software, a systems recovery and data protection software company, discovered that a major electronics retailer had been pirating its software, it turned to Sol Marketing Concepts for help.

Sol Marketing Concepts developed and implemented a communications program that helped Winternals fight and win the battle without losing its footprint in the marketplace.


Key Points
Developed crisis communication plan to forcefully position Winternals in a “David v. Goliath” legal battle with nations’ largest consumer electronics retailer, resulting in major settlement in client’s favor  
Leveraged company founder’s whistleblower status in “Sony Rootkit” scandal to establish him as the recognized expert in identifying and debunking illegal cloaking software  
Established company’s presence in business press and widely distributed trade journals to successfully position the company as category leader, resulting in the company’s acquisition by Microsoft in July 2006
Sol Marketing Concepts
3801 Capital of Texas Highway South Suite 201 Austin, Texas 78704 p. 512.383.8090 e.