Sol Marketing Concepts
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Military Child
Education Coalition

Working to help military
families succeed

Keva Juice
Working with an emerging smoothie brand to get closer to its
ideal customer

Cutting Through the Clutter of Retail
Information Technologies
Kinetix Living
Becoming the Go-To
Wellness Program
Winternals Software
Helping David Beat Goliath
American Physicians
Insurance Exchange

Listening to the Voice of the Customer to Enable
Marketplace Growth
MCECMilitary Child Education
Coalition - Working to Help Military Families Succeed

With more and more families coping with the stress of having a loved one deployed, the Military Child Education Coalition needed to create awareness of its programs and drive contributions to help fund its programs.

Sol Marketing Concepts created and implemented a strategic campaign to draw attention to the unique challenges military children face.

Key Points
Execute a geo- and ideal customer-targeted public education campaign to raise awareness of MCEC and improve the climate of consideration for donating to MCEC via the Combined
Federal Campaign
Developed and distributed campaign elements including radio and television PSAs  
Conducted targeted media outreach, a multi-media news release, and a satellite media tour that resulted in more than 100 television placements and almost 100 million impressions
Sol Marketing Concepts
3801 Capital of Texas Highway South Suite 201 Austin, Texas 78704 p. 512.554.1538 e.